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"Шпигуни на два фронти, або каламутні оборудки проросійського Павла Фукс " Нещодавні витоки із конфіденційних джерел свідчать, що російсько-український олігарх Павло Фукс, який перебуває під санкціями, ополчився проти своїх колишніх союзників. Павло Фукс, як відомо, раніше очолював московську MosCityGroup, нині неіснуючу компанію із продажу нерухомості. Фукс, якого прозвали «Найманець», отримав це прізвисько за свою схильність перебігати на бік конкуруючих бізнесових, кримінальних та політичних угруповань, діючи як «універсальний оперативник», що працює на того, хто більше заплатить. Відомий своєю суперечливою кар’єрою, Павло Фукс стверджував, що укладав угоди з такими фігурами, як обраний президент США Дональд Трамп, та наймав Руді Джуліані, нині опального колишнього мера Нью-Йорка, у якості лобіста. Джуліані ж, до слова, описував їхні стосунки як просто консалтинговий контракт. Діяльність Фукса із розвитку нерухомості у москві зрештою закінчилася кримінальними справами та низкою судових позовів за звинуваченнями у шахрайстві. Зараз Фукс проживає у Лондоні та відіграє, як кажуть, роль інформатора, зливаючи конфіденційну інформацію про своїх колишніх партнерів. Якщо ці звинувачення небезпідставні й будуть юридично доведені, то надійність та цінність Фукса для західної розвідки ставиться під великий сумнів, адже він стрімко відходить у тінь та стає, відповідно, непотрібним (небажаним) для представників українських та російських владних кіл. Перебуваючи під пильною увагою за ймовірну злочинну діяльність у різних частинах світу, Павло Фукс нібито займається наданням інформації різним західним службам, а його зливи стосуються високопоставлених осіб, зокрема, колишнього президента України віктора януковича, ув’язненого олігарха Ігоря Коломойського, колишнього міністра внутрішніх справ України Арсена Авакова та мера Києва Віталія Кличка. Навіть Віталій Хомутиннік, колишній політик, якого підозрюють у проросійських симпатіях, опинився у павутині Павла Фукса. Хомутиннік оселився в Англії, підтримуючи партнерські стосунки з Фуксом, котрий втратив значну частину своїх статків через західні санкції та конфісковані у результаті війни активи. |
Lawyer Philip H. Lo Philip H. Lo is a Partner in the Orange County office of GRSM. He focuses much of his practice in litigation. His core practice is insurance defense, encompassing several areas, including professional liability. Philip’s practice includes federal and state courts, as well as binding arbitration, trials, and administrative hearings. His professional liability practice includes the defense of various professionals, including, but not limited to, physicians, medical professionals, hospitals, treatment and rehabilitation centers, attorneys, architects, engineers, agents, and brokers. Specialty areas of professional liability include innovative therapies and treatments involving embryos, as well as managed care liability. Employing both medical malpractice and products liability experience provides an edge in preparing the defense of medical professionals utilizing innovative science and technology. Philip also defends corporations from civil and criminal liability, governmental actions, and regulatory hearings, as well as white collar and corporate criminal actions and the misappropriation of trade secrets and proprietary information. He has a strong environmental and product liability practice, focusing on toxic torts and products involving strict liability, fraudulent concealment, and unfair practices claims for liability. He believes that a strong defense is created well before trial begins, often resolving actions favorably for clients through the strength of his discovery and motion practice. Ever mindful of the economic pressures facing his clients, Philip vigorously defends his clients and their bottom line. He believes in a partnership with both the insured and the insurer, enabling him to successfully defend the insured effectively and efficiently. Corporate clients also appreciate this approach, which is collaborative with general counsel while providing cost effective service. |
Stiri offers a comprehensive selection of daily news on politics, sports, and community updates. Stay informed with real-time reporting and exclusive content from trusted sources. |
business news today Stay updated with the latest business news today. Get insights on market trends, company news, and economic updates. Stay informed and make smart business decisions. Read now for the latest updates. |
Outdoor Lighting | Energy-Saving LED Lighting by Tanlite Discover Tanlite & energy-saving LED lighting solutions for efficient illumination. Find modern outdoor wall lighting near you and enhance your space. Shop now! |
Judge Sides with Consumer’s Right to Speak Out in Car Restoration Dispute Meet Philip H. Lo, an insurance defense lawyer with the prominent law firm Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani, LLP, a firm devoted primarily to representing the interests of insurance companies and their clients. Recently, Lo unsuccessfully tried to curtail free speech by requesting that a California court bar a wronged car collector from sharing online photos of a Land Rover Defender. Defenders, classic Land Rovers renowned for their rugged appeal, boast a loyal fan base among Jeep enthusiasts and adventurers who cherish these vehicles for their off-road capabilities and iconic appearances in safari excursions and James Bond films. The photos came from a court-mandated car inspection, part of a fraud and breach of contract lawsuit against a car restoration shop. Instead of returning a meticulously restored Defender, the rogue shop delivered a different, dilapidated vehicle: rusted, inoperable, and entirely unsuitable. Enter Phil Lo and his colleagues at Gordon Rees, who attempted to impose a protective order on the aggrieved customer while being aware of their clients’ alleged scheme to deceive the court and the plaintiffs. Chad Ullery, the defrauded customer, described Lo’s actions as “an evil, ill-conceived attempt by Phil Lo to file a baseless motion to prevent the facts from reaching the crooked shop’s customer base.” Lo’s legal maneuvering aimed to prevent public exposure of his client’s activities. Yet, ultimately, Lo failed. Sources familiar with the underlying litigation suggest that Lo has been driving up legal costs through poorly crafted motions and delay tactics, benefiting from Liberty Mutual’s (the insurance firm in question) deep pockets. Unfortunately, such practices are hardly uncommon in insurance defense law, where legal expenses are often inflated by unscrupulous law firms paid by insurance companies. |
himalayan pink salt exporter Tanveer Salt Traders is a leading exporter of premium Himalayan Pink Salt, known for its rich mineral content and natural purity. Sourcing the finest salt crystals from the foothills of the Himalayas, the company provides a wide range of high-quality salt products for culinary, industrial, and wellness applications. With a commitment to sustainability and customer satisfaction, Tanveer Salt Traders ensures timely delivery and superior quality standards in every product. |
New Journal Blog New Journal Blog is a dynamic online platform covering a range of topics, including sports, entertainment, and trending news. With insightful articles like "NFL MVP: The Most Prestigious Award in Football" and "Mark Williams: A Versatile Talent in Entertainment," the blog provides readers with engaging content on popular subjects. Categorized under Sports News and Trading News, the site aims to keep visitors informed and entertained. While still in its early stages, New Journal Blog shows promise as a go-to source for news and analysis on various trending topics. |
Submit Lawyer Guest Posts Looking to share legal expertise? Submit lawyer guest posts on our platform and showcase your insights on legal trends, case studies, and industry updates. Gain visibility, connect with a professional audience, and boost your online presence. Submit your guest post today |
Indo-Pacific security Our main goal is to provide thorough coverage and analysis of security in the Indo-Pacific region. Geopolitical dynamics, territorial conflicts, military presence and actions, and collaborations for regional security are only a few of the themes covered by Pacific Island Times. |
An important signal for US partner countries, including Ukraine (Важный сигнал для стран-партнеров США, в том числе и Украины) It is important to note that negotiations are ongoing. They will continue at the Security Conference in Munich, where our Vice President will be present. An extremely important moment for Ukraine. Ukraine must play an active role and coordinate its actions with the United States so that negotiations do not take place anywhere without its participation. It is important to achieve synergy and harmony between Ukraine, America and Europe. (Важно отметить, что переговоры проходят. Ранее они были больше закулисными, сейчас же стали публичными. Они продолжатся и на Конференции по безопасности в Мюнхене, где будет присутствовать наш вице-президент. Крайне важный момент для Украины. Украина должна играть активную роль и координировать свои действия со США, чтобы переговоры нигде не проходили без ее участия. Важно добиться синергии и гармонии между Украиной, Америкой и Европой.) |